Screen time, oh such a divide is caused by this. It can be such a great tool to give you a bit of time to re-gain focus and re-charge, especially if you are with your little ones all day. But when that tool looses it's magic it can become a battle and an addiction for our little ones.
The World Health Organization recommends no screen time for children under 3 and screen time of no more than 1 hour for children ages 3 and 4.
Generally nannies will avoid screen time with children and we advise the following;
Don’t give your kids their own tablet or smartphone.
Make computers and TVs stay in the shared spaces of your home.
Add tech-free time to your family’s schedule.
Watch how often you use your own devices.
Make limits a regular part of screen use.
Help your kids find other ways to have fun.
Make tech work for you.
What's your view? How much screen time do you allow your children?
